In August, the Tacoma Hounds hosted a series of “Rookie Days” to help introduce Hurling to new players. The series spanned 4 Saturdays (8/11, 8/18, 8/25, and 9/1), comprehensively covering Hurling’s numerous skills so that any first-time participant would be taken through every aspect of playing.
Tag: Test Your Timber
The Tacoma Hounds in Ireland!
Back on June 13th, some of the Tacoma Hounds flew over to Ireland for an action-packed week-and-a-half of Hurling activity!
Tacoma Hounds Rookie Days
The Tacoma Hounds are always recruiting new members and players, but the upcoming series of Rookie Days offers any interested beginners the most complete crash-course for developing a solid grasp of Hurling’s basic skills. There’s no better opportunity to get up to speed with a quick primer in this exciting sport, and one or more sessions will better prepare attendees for a standard practice.
TGAC & Hatford Kevin Barrys Take On Ireland
Did you know that on July 14th 1873, a historic telegraph declared Tacoma as the terminus of the Transcontinental Railroad? Well 145 years on, Tacoma Co-op and the Hartford Kevin Barrys are forming a transcontinental team to take on Ireland!
Continue reading “TGAC & Hatford Kevin Barrys Take On Ireland”